Online Marketplace Monitoring

Monitor and remove infringing listings in 5000+ online marketplaces


Identify infringement on marketplaces 24/7

Bot-powered search

Online Marketplace Monitoring Services scan marketplaces globally every hour for potential trademark, copyright, patents, or design infringements

Photo analysis

Image recognition technology scans photos to identify infringement of your assets

Self-improving detection

Machine learning suggests new rules and keyword opportunities

Paul Hewitt Classic $129.00 Add to cart Paul Hewitt KEYWORD SEARCH Classic


Always-on online marketplaces monitoring helps you automatically enforce against unauthorized third party sellers or review detections and decide

Automation rules

Set up rules that instantly start the enforcement process for unauthorized sellers on online marketplaces

Validation cards

Use image cards to validate, pause or discard detected incidents

High-risk shortlist

Prioritize potential infringements and marketplaces that require your attention

INFRINGEMENT CONFIRMATION Luxury Paul Hewitt Classic, Watch, Fashion. $129.00 ADD AUTOMATION RULE Condition Select Price < $25 Price < $30 Price < $35 Action Select Discard High risk Enforce


See the impact of monitoring online marketplaces automatically

Performance dashboards

Get full visibility into marketplaces globally to gauge if your brand is at risk

Output reports

Measure the impact of monitoring online marketplaces through different report templates

Data extraction

Use data collected by our marketplace monitoring software in a way that suits you by exporting it or using our API


We monitor your brand across
5000+ online marketplaces


marketplaces covered worldwide


top marketplaces with 99% enforcement rate

30 Million

listings processed per day


Why is important to monitor your brand on online marketplaces?

Online marketplaces are the most popular place for users to purchase goods online, making them a critical channel every brand should protect.

Monitoring your brand on online marketplaces is important to ensure your company’s image, credibility, and overall value isn´t comprised by bad actors. Failure to monitor your brand on online marketplaces can result in the loss of revenue from the company, as well as potential legal repercussions.

Having a strong online presence and perceived credibility is crucial in today’s digital age because it affects prospective customers’ purchase decisions: they’ll only buy products and services from businesses they perceive as trustworthy. You won’t sell to them if your brand has a weak online presence and/or a tarnished digital reputation on online marketplaces.

How can you protect your brand on online marketplaces?

Red Points’ Online Marketplace Monitoring Services utilizes artificial intelligence to automatically detect and remove online counterfeits. With the help of machine learning tools, such as keyword generation and image recognition we are able to process the information retrieved across over 5,000 online marketplaces, websites, and social networks to detect fakes, piracy or sellers online and allow our customers to take enforcement actions.

How can technology help monitor online marketplaces at scale?

The truth is, no matter how aggressively you take steps to protect your brand’s digital assets and Intellectual Property, there’ll always be malicious parties trying to impersonate you and abuse your brand in one way or another. As a result, it’s also key to set up a monitoring system that can detect new threats in real-time on online marketplaces.

Machine learning tools and artificial intelligence can help you do this, but the best way to do so is by partnering with an Online Marketplace Monitoring Services to continuously protect your brand from impersonations, counterfeits, piracy, and other forms of brand abuse on marketplaces.

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