Apply to the Revenue Recovery Program: Start recovering funds from infringers at zero cost

Keep your brand safe on social media

Detect and monitor fake profiles and counterfeits on social media platforms

AI Brand Protection Platform trusted by 1,300+ brands of all sizes

Common social media infringements

Social media infringements are a growing problem that affects thousands of brands across a number of platforms in various ways:

Fake profiles impersonating a brand by using trademarks or copyrighted material

Fake social media ads passing as legitimate brands online

Counterfeit goods sold via private groups or fake profiles

The consequences of social media infringements

Social media has become one of the main channels for scammers to redirect users to their sites, steal sensitive information or sell counterfeits. These scams can quickly damage businesses if not addressed properly.

Missing out
on revenue

Fall in sales as fake social media ads or posts divert business.

Stolen customer

Data breach concerns due to stolen credentials, login info or private data.

Damaged brand

Loss of customer trust and associated health & safety risks.

We protect your brand on social media platforms globally

How Red Points works

Red Points has developed a unique workflow to detect and enforce IP infringements on social media in 3 main steps:


Identify potential infringements on social media

  • Our bots crawl all social media platforms every 8 hours

  • Machine learning makes the search more accurate every time



Instantly start the enforcement

  • Our AI identifies what is infringing your intellectual property

  • The system requests takedowns automatically



See the impact of your brand protection actions

  • Get performance dashboards and

  • Calculate the economic impact of your actions


What to expect from social media protection

By proactively detecting and removing infringing listings on social media, you can drive positive results for your business

Happier customers

  • Fewer customers’ complaints

  • Stronger brand loyalty

Do more in less time

  • Focus on your core tasks

  • Invest just a few minutes

Stronger reputation

  • Regain consumer trust

  • Prevent negative reviews

"Most of the infringing listings we see are on Facebook & Instagram. The sheer volume of counterfeits on social media is staggering."

Shelley Swallow

Director of Trademark & Copyright Compliance at Beautyblender

Get more results with Red Points


fake profiles removed


infringements removed


social media users protected

Ready to see Red Points in action?