Patent Enforcement Services

Automatically find and remove infringers with Red Points' Patent Protection Software

How our patent enforcement software works


Identify unauthorized sellers infringing your patents on marketplaces 24/7

Bot-powered search

Scan the Internet for potential patent infringement every hour

Photo analysis

Image recognition technology of our patent protection software scans photos to identify patent infringements

Self-improving detection

Machine learning suggests new rules and keyword opportunities

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Automatically enforce against unauthorized sellers or review detections and decide

Automation rules

Set up rules that instantly start the patent enforcement process for unauthorized sellers worldwide

Validation cards

Use image cards to validate, pause or discard detected incidents

High-risk shortlist

Prioritize which potential patent infringements require your attention

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See the impact of your patent enforcement actions

Performance dashboards

Get full visibility into your patent enforcement coverage at a glance

Output reports

Measure the impact of your patent enforcement actions through different report templates

Data extraction

Use data in a way that suits you by exporting it or using our API



What is patent enforcement, and why is it important?

Patent enforcement refers to the process of protecting and defending your patented inventions or innovations from unauthorized use or infringement. It is crucial because it helps safeguard your exclusive rights as a patent holder, ensuring that others cannot exploit your intellectual property without permission.

How does patent enforcement work?

Patent enforcement involves various steps, starting with monitoring the market for potential infringements. If infringement is identified, a cease and desist letter may be sent to the infringing party. If necessary, legal action, such as filing a lawsuit, may be pursued to seek remedies and protect your patent rights.

What are the benefits of using a patent enforcement service?

Patent enforcement services offer specialized expertise in detecting infringements, gathering evidence, and handling legal processes effectively. It saves you time and resources, ensures a proactive approach to protect your patents, and increases the likelihood of successful patent enforcement actions.

How can I detect patent infringement?

Detecting patent infringement requires monitoring various channels, including online marketplaces, competitor products, social media, and industry trends. Patent enforcement services often use advanced technology, such as AI algorithms or patent protection software, to automate this process and identify potential infringements efficiently.

How long does the patent enforcement process take?

The duration of the patent enforcement process can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the willingness of the infringing party to comply, and the legal procedures involved. Patent enforcement services can provide a more accurate estimate based on the specifics of your situation.

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