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What is game cracking and how can brands prevent it?
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What is game cracking and how can brands prevent it?

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    Content piracy is on the rise, and video games are not immune to this challenge. 

    Game cracking poses a serious threat to video game developers, as it adversely impacts revenue streams and violates intellectual property rights.

    According to the Entertainment Software Association’s recent report, video game piracy and game cracking cost the industry an estimated $29 billion every year. This phenomenon not only diminishes the value of developers’ efforts but also compromises the gaming experience for law-abiding users.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, it’s important for video game brands and businesses to understand the concept of game cracking, its various forms, and how video game software brands and businesses can effectively combat it.

    In this article, we discuss: 

    • What game cracking is
    • Examples of game cracking
    • How developers can protect their video game software from pirates
    • How Red Points can help

    What is game cracking?

    Game cracking is the process by which unauthorized individuals or groups (commonly referred to as “crackers”) break through the security measures, such as Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems, implemented by video game developers to protect their copyrighted content. DRM systems are designed to control access to games and prevent unauthorized copying, distribution, or usage.

    By cracking a game, digital pirates effectively bypass these DRM systems and distribute the games illegally, often allowing users to access them for free or at a significantly reduced cost. This often results in significant losses for game developers and can even damage their reputation by negatively impacting the user experience.

    Examples of game cracking

    There are several methods that game crackers use to circumvent DRM and other protective security measures implemented by developers. Here are some common examples of game-cracking techniques and how they work:

    Reverse engineering

    Reverse engineering is the process of taking apart a game’s code in order to understand how it works and find ways to bypass its security measures.  Pirates often use reverse engineering to analyze a game’s code and understand its inner workings. 

    By dissecting the game’s code, crackers can identify and disable the security mechanisms implemented by developers, such as the Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems, to create a cracked version that can be played without restrictions.

    Key generators (keygens)

    Some games require users to enter a unique serial key to authenticate their copy of the game. Key generators are programs developed by crackers to produce counterfeit serial keys, enabling users to bypass the authentication process and access the game without purchasing a legitimate copy.


    Patching is another cracking method that involves modifying the game’s executable file to bypass security measures. Crackers create patches that, when applied to the original game files, override the sections of the code responsible for DRM checks or authentication processes, allowing users to play the game without restrictions.


    Some games rely on specific hardware components or devices (such as a gaming console) to function correctly. Emulation refers to the use of software that mimics the behavior of these hardware components, enabling users to play a game on a device it was not intended for, such as running a console game on a PC. Crackers create emulators to bypass the need for proprietary hardware, allowing users to play pirated copies of the game.

     Server emulation

    Some games require an internet connection to communicate with an official server to verify the legitimacy of the game. Crackers may create fake servers that emulate the official server’s behavior, tricking the game into believing it is connecting to an official server and bypassing the security measures.

    These examples illustrate the variety of techniques employed by crackers to bypass security measures and distribute pirated copies of video games. Each method exploits different vulnerabilities in a game’s code or hardware, making it challenging for developers to stay ahead of the ever-evolving game-cracking landscape. Consequently, it is crucial for developers to remain vigilant and implement robust security measures to protect their intellectual property and revenue streams from the threat of game cracking.

    Red Points' Anti Piracy Solution

    What to do if your new video game has been cracked?

    If your new video game has been cracked, it is essential to act swiftly to mitigate the potential damages caused by piracy. Here are the steps you can take if your game has been cracked:

    Assess the extent of the breach:

    The first step is to determine the extent of the breach and the method used by the crackers. This information will help you identify vulnerabilities in your security measures and prevent future breaches.

    Strengthen your security measures:

    If your game was cracked due to a specific vulnerability, address the issue immediately by implementing more robust security measures, such as stronger DRM systems, encryption, or multi-layered authentication.

    Monitor piracy channels: 

    Keep a close eye on torrent websites, online forums, and other channels where cracked games are typically distributed. By monitoring these channels, you can quickly identify and report any new instances of your game being cracked.

    Enlist the help of an Anti Piracy service:

    Anti Piracy services, such as Red Points’ Anti Piracy Solution, specialize in detecting and removing pirated content from the internet. Engaging an Anti Piracy service can help you quickly identify and remove cracked copies of your game, as well as monitor the internet for any new instances of piracy.

    Report cracked games on distribution platforms:

    Most game distribution platforms, such as Steam, have reporting mechanisms to help developers report instances of piracy. Here are the reporting processes for some of the top game distribution platforms:

     Reporting piracy on Steam

    To report piracy on Steam, follow these steps:

    Step 1 – Visit Steam’s official support page: Go to the Steam Support website at https://help.steampowered.com

    Step 2 – Navigate to the DMCA page: Scroll down and click on the link under the “Notice of Copyright Infringement” section. 

    (https://steamcommunity.com/dmca/create/?snr= )

    Step 3 – Read the guidelines: Carefully review the guidelines and instructions provided by Steam, ensuring that you have a legitimate claim before proceeding.

    Step 4 – Fill out the DMCA form: Click on the “Report a Violation” link to access the form. Provide all the necessary information, such as the URL of the infringing content, identification of the copyrighted work, identification of the infringing material, your contact details; and a statement of good faith.

    Step 5 – Submit the form: Once you have completed the form, click on the “Submit” button to send your report. Steam will then review your claim and take appropriate action if necessary.

    Reporting Piracy on Epic Games Store

    To report piracy on the Epic Games Store, follow these steps:

    Step 1 – Visit Epic’s official website: Go to the Epic Games website at https://www.epicgames.com/ 

    Step 2 – Access the copyright and trademark infringement page: Navigate to their dedicated page at https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/infringement 

    Step 3 – Assess the infringement: Before proceeding, ensure that the content does not fall under fair use, fair dealing, or other copyright exceptions.

    Step 4 – Click  “Submit a DMCA Notice” for copyright infringement (https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/contact-us-copyright )

    Step 5 – Fill out the chosen form: Provide the required information, including your contact details, information about the copyrighted work or trademark, and the infringing material’s location.

    Step 6 – Submit the form: After completing the form, click “Submit” to send your report. Epic Games will then review your claim and take appropriate action if necessary.

    How can businesses prevent game cracking?

    Businesses can implement various strategies to prevent game cracking and protect their intellectual property. While some of these strategies can be implemented internally, investing in an Anti Piracy platform like Red Points offers a comprehensive and efficient solution that is scalable to match the scope of your existing problems. Here are some options that business owners can consider:

    Strengthening Digital Rights Management (DRM): 

    Implementing robust DRM systems like Red Points’ Digital Rights Management Software can make it more challenging for crackers to bypass security measures and distribute unauthorized copies of your game. Regularly updating and monitoring the effectiveness of your DRM solutions is crucial to stay one step ahead of the pirates.

    Regular manual searches:

     Business owners can conduct manual searches on popular gaming platforms, forums, and torrent sites to identify instances of their games being cracked. By actively monitoring these channels, businesses can promptly take action and report instances of copyright infringement. However, manual searches can be time-consuming and may not detect all instances of piracy.

    Test downloads

    Another option for businesses is to periodically download cracked versions of their games from pirate sites. This approach can provide insights into the methods used by crackers and help businesses identify vulnerabilities in their security measures. Additionally, test downloads can help businesses gauge the extent of piracy and understand the impact it may have on their revenues. Note that this method comes with inherent risks, including exposure to malware and potential legal issues.

    Employ Anti Piracy measures

    As the last and most comprehensive option, investing in an Anti Piracy platform like Red Points can provide businesses with a more efficient and effective solution to protect their games from cracking. Red Points offers Digital Rights Management monitoring, which enables businesses to track the unauthorized sharing of credentials online. Moreover, the platform automates the detection and takedown of infringements, ensuring a swift response to any instances of game cracking.

    How Red Points can help video game developers and businesses

    Red Points’ Anti Piracy Solution is a digital revenue software designed to help video game developers and businesses protect their intellectual property and safeguard their revenue streams. Here is how it works:

    Monitoring and detection: 

    Using advanced search algorithms and AI technology, Red Points’ anti-piracy software scans the internet for instances of game piracy, monitoring piracy websites, social media platforms, and other online channels to detect the illegal distribution of copyrighted games.

    The platform continuously scans the internet, including unofficial platforms and third-party online marketplaces, to identify instances of piracy and copyright infringement.

    Validation and enforcement: 

    After detecting potential infringements, Red Points validates the infringements and automates the takedown process, ensuring the rapid removal of pirated content.  Red Points’ software can automatically issue takedown notices to infringing websites, expediting the removal of pirated content and minimizing its impact on developers’ revenue and reputation.

    Comprehensive reporting:

    Red Points provides developers with detailed reports and analytics on detected and removed infringing content, enabling businesses to assess the effectiveness of their anti-piracy efforts and make data-driven decisions.

    By combining internal measures with the advanced capabilities of an anti-piracy platform like Red Points, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of game cracking, safeguard their intellectual property, and maintain a positive gaming experience for their customers.

    What’s Next

    Ignoring the threat of game cracking can result in significant losses for game developers, the impact is clear and the prevalence of this issue within the industry is pervasive.

    Understanding the complexities of game cracking and implementing a multi-faceted approach to protect their creations is necessary.  
    By investing in Red Points’ Anti Piracy Solution, developers can better safeguard their revenue, intellectual property, and the gaming experience for their loyal users.


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