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Quick Points: How much does a trademark cost?
IP Insights
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Quick Points: How much does a trademark cost?

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    The cost of filing a trademark will depend on the territory it’s required in. Here are a few countries and territories to consider:

    Registering a trademark in the USA

    The United States Patent and Trademark Office has a variety of different types of “classes” or categories of trademarks, the cost is either $225 or $275. However, if a trademark falls under various classes, the price may change. For more information on US trademarks, see here.

    Registering a trademark in China

    If you plan on selling your products in China, it is essential that you register your trademarks. The chinese law system doesn’t have a law that is equivalent to the common law agreement. It’s also important to consider phonetic and literal translations of your trademark and register those. To register a trademark in China, it is advised to use an in-country agency to help with filing a trademark. The total cost will depend on the firm you choose and which type of trademark you register, but it is generally between $850 (USD) and $1,000 (USD) for one trademark. Here’s a breakdown of the types of trademarks and their costs. There are many aspects to take into consideration when registering a trademark in China, here’s a guide to help with the most important ones.

    Registering a trademark in Europe

    The basic fee for one class of trademark is €850. The cost may vary depending on which class of trademark is registered, but there is a fee calculator on the EU IP office’s website to help with the process.

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