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How to report and remove a counterfeit from Aliexpress
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How to report and remove a counterfeit from Aliexpress

Table of Contents:

    This is Red Points’ 4-step guide to reporting and removing counterfeits and infringement from Alibaba.com, AliExpress.com and 1688.com.

    These sites all operate in the same network, so the process for reporting and removing counterfeits works for all sites listed above. In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what tools, information and documents you’ll need, so this whole process goes a lot smoother. Read through our quick guide, follow the steps and you’ll be rid of those fake products on Aliexpress in no time.

    Practical guide to report counterfeits on Aliexpress on your own 

    Where there’s one counterfeit, there are probably many more. While removing a counterfeit listing is possible to do by yourself, it quickly becomes an impossible task when dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of counterfeit listings begin manifesting on ecommerce sites. In the latter case, we recommend you to get an Anti Counterfeit Software But if you’re a small business and have reason to believe that only one or two counterfeit listings of your products exist, then your best option is to follow the below steps.

    Step 1: Register with Alibaba

    Follow this link to Alibaba Group’s registration page. This is a pretty standard website registration system, so you’ll need an email address, password and a phone number.

    Alibaba's register account page

    Step 2: Submit your Intellectual Property to their registry

    Alibaba’s process works by first having you list your intellectual property (IP) on their site, which they will use against infringing listings on the marketplace. Follow this link to get to the IPR submission page, which should look like the image below.

    Alibaba's Submit IPR page

    Any type of IP will need to be already registered. The Alibaba Group of sites is less forgiving with this than other sites, such as eBay and Amazon, so if your IP is unregistered or pending completion, you’ll need to finish that process before Aliexpress will remove infringements for you.

    Alibaba and its affiliate websites are China-based. While they do recognise foreign IP registrations, and will take down counterfeit  listings from their site based on foreign IP, this entire process goes much smoother if your IP is also registered separately in China. You should do this even if China is not a target market for your company.

    Submissions are entered one at a time, which makes this quite a slow process if you have a large catalogue, but the next stage will go much faster.

    We’ve made a list of the information and documents you’ll need for each type of submission:

    Trademark Infringement

    • Trademark certificate
    • Trademark certificate pages for trademark classes

    Copyright Infringement

    • Name of the work
    • Uploadable instances of the work and supporting certifications
    • Serial/Registration number of the work you submitted
    • Copyright holder of the work you submitted


    • Uploadable patent certificate
    • Type of patent (Patent for invention, Patent for design, Patent for utility model)
    • Name of the patent you submitted
    • Registration number of the patent you submitted
    • Rights holder of the patent you submitted
    • Expiration date of the patent you submitted


    • Name and number of your IP
    • Right holder of the IP
    • Period of validity
    • Uploadable IP content, supporting documents

    Step 3: Submit a complaint

    So, here’s the part that’s actually going to help; the complaint. You can find the page here.

    If your IP is listed on the Alibaba Group database, this next part is simple. Any fake or counterfeit listings on Aliexpress can be linked via a URL, pasted into a text field and submitted in an instant, at which point it will be sent for review.

    Alibaba's submit complaint page

    Step 4: While you’re waiting

    This process shouldn’t take too long, at least a few hours until Alibaba responds to the infringement report. The owner of the counterfeit listing will have up to 3 days to respond to the takedown request, after which time, the website will remove the product automatically, unless the complaint is indeed challenged. 

    Good Faith Platform

    Users who find themselves frequently reporting infringement and counterfeit listings will find this next part useful. If you repeatedly report fake products, counterfeits and copyright infringement, and they are confirmed as illegal repeatedly by Alibaba/Taobao, then you may join the Good Faith Program, which will help to speed up this process in future instances.

    If you’re left confused by this guide, or if there’s anything we’ve missed, we’d be happy to clear up any queries. Just send us a message at marketing@redpoints.com and we’ll do what we can to help.

    Counterfeiters use a range of platforms to sell their knock-offs. To stay protected on each, follow our guides:

    Red Points Anti Counterfeit Solution

    Have you found more Aliexpress counterfeits than you can deal with?

    We at Red Points are a Revenue Recovery platform. Using our cutting-edge technology and first-class service, we protect companies whose brands become inundated with online counterfeits and infringement on Aliexpress. Every counterfeit product diminishes your brand reputation and steals your sales. We are here to help you recover that lost revenue by protecting your brand from counterfeiters. 

    That’s where Red Points’ Counterfeit Protection Solution comes in. This software automatically scans ecommerce marketplaces 24/7, detects IP infringements, and sends out automated takedown requests which – from our experience – can number in their thousands. The software uses machine learning and image recognition technology to detect and report IP infringements across the web. Below is a step-by-step process of how Red Points’ Counterfeit Protection Solution works.


    Scammers are constantly finding ways to create counterfeit versions of branded products. The web is a large place, and counterfeits can pop up anyway. Red Points scans online marketplaces on an hourly basis. You can keep an eye on the hourly results via the Red Points’ dashboard.


    Red Points will then use image recognition technology to scan product listings for trademark and patent infringements of your brand. Also with machine-learning abilities, this software is able to become increasingly accurate in finding counterfeits posing as your brand across the net. 

    You can see below (1) the number of alerts, infringements, and cases ready for you to evaluate, while (2) gives you an overview of exactly where these counterfeits are appearing on the web. 

    Validation & Prioritization

    You can customize your automation rules so that Red Points knows what to do when it comes across counterfeits on the web. The results will also be organized into categories, with (1) being the tasks you need to attend to, and (2) high risk incidents that require your attention.


    Red Points automatically files takedown requests of listings or profiles that violate your brand’s IP, so that you don’t have to. You can keep track of the enforcements and other statistics on your dashboard.


    In the Economic Impact section of the dashboard, you can view just how much money Red Points has saved your brand by getting rid of counterfeits. You can also view other statistics, such as the number of counterfeiters compromising your brand, the average price of a counterfeit, and so on.

    What’s next

    Counterfeits can wreck your brand’s reputation and bottom line. They can also be difficult to detect and, although ecommerce sites like Aliexpress don’t want counterfeits either, unfortunately it’s virtually impossible to prevent scammers from profiteering off your brand with counterfeit versions of your products. 

    Aliexpress and other Alibaba Group ecommerce sites require you to register your IP before continuing with a takedown request. Once you have your registration in order, you can begin filing a complaint. The process is straightforward and not dissimilar to how other ecommerce sites operate; however, should counterfeit listings related to your brand be numerous, the process of manually taking down each one becomes an impossible feat. 

    Red Points’ Brand Protection Solution automates the process of detection, validation, and enforcement so that you can concentrate on boosting your revenue, rather than saving it from counterfeiters. 

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