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A conversation with IACC’s Vice President
1 min

A conversation with IACC’s Vice President

The International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) is well known among the Brand Protection community. They’re a multi-industry association focused on education and advocacy training. They also offer practical solutions that help businesses protect their brands against counterfeiting. 

As part of Red Points’ Heroes of Brand Protection podcast, we’ve spoken to Travis Johnson, Vice President – Legislative Affairs, Senior Counsel at IACC. 

Head over to our podcast for the full interview or continue reading this article for a sneak peek into his journey. 

Key takeaways:
  • The organization’s overview. 
  • Challenges faced as a Brand Protection expert.
  • Advice for fellow intellectual property professionals. 

The following is part of the transcript of Heroes of Brand Protection podcast, Episode 9 featuring a conversation between Travis Johnson and Daniel Shapiro, Red Points’ VP of Brand Relationships. 

Q stands for questions from Daniel Shapiro.

Q: For those that may not know about your business, can you give a brief overview?

The IACC provides a voice for right holders. Whether that’s a unified voice to educate consumers or to bring their priorities before government bodies (whether in D.C, state legislators or with other governments around the world). 

Q: What’s the hardest thing you have to do as Vice President – Legislative Affairs, Senior Counsel?

Probably the most intense or nerve wracking sort of thing would be Congressional testimony. I’ve testified before the House Committee and we’ve had other staff and our President testify before Congress. We’ve also had a few members that have testified independently that we’ve helped to do some prep work with. Those opportunities don’t arise very frequently but they can be hugely impactful. Unfortunately, you also often don’t get a whole lot of lead time in advance of that invitation to testify.

Also, it’s a very public thing, so if you happen to put your foot in your mouth then there’s a good chance a lot of people are going to see it. It definitely gets the adrenaline pumping, whether you’re the one at the witness table or you’re a couple rows back in the gallery. It’s very challenging, very nerve wracking but also can be very rewarding.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to pursue a career similar to yours?

The number one thing I would tell anyone is to learn to write. Learning to communicate, specifically learning to write effectively, clearly, concisely, and persuasively will help you go far no matter what your career is. Particularly in the advocacy fields.


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