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Impersonation Removal

Brands’ guide to combating hashtag hijacking
ChatGPT and copyright infringement: What every business should know
What are social engineering scams and how can brands prevent them?
What is app copying and how can you prevent it?
What is piracy in mobile gaming and how can you prevent it?
How to conduct a domain name dispute on behalf of your business
5 ways to protect your business from brandjacking
5 tips for digital risk protection
What are cousin domain attacks and how to prevent them?
Everything you should know about typosquatting detection
How to take down a Twitter account
How to take down a Google review
How to deal with domain squatters effectively
How to protect your business against app impersonation
What your brand should know about social media takedown
How to report a phishing site
What is pharming, and how can you prevent it?
How can businesses protect themselves from fraud