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Brand Protection

The ugly truth about fashion design piracy
A complete guide to trademark infringement in the fashion industry
How to report and remove a counterfeit from Aliexpress
What is the role of AI in Brand Protection?
How to protect your business logo and brand
Defending your brand in the age of dupe culture
Top trademark counterfeiting threats and how to counteract them
5 strategies to combat brand fraud
What is brand abuse and how can it impact your business?
The ultimate guide to eBay counterfeit protection
3 effective Amazon counterfeit protection strategies
What is online brand abuse and how can you prevent it?
6 steps to remove content from Google
Hard facts about software piracy
What is counterfeiting and why is it illegal?
7 Dangerous counterfeit products you should never buy
How ChatGPT is exploited by bad actors to bolster their scam operations
Why consumer education is important for all brands